Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rewind back plszsz

Hi pee-per . Hmmm . Many days did not blog curz internet connection damm slow . Ok . Lets rewind alrights ?


Woken up by my mum early in th morning . Then realized that she ask me whether wan go shopping naud . Of course wan go la . Better then staying at hm and rot . Went to Hougang Mall , ate Japanese Steamboat for lunch . DeliciousDie le . Then went to Suntec and Marina shop for Christmas Gifts .

At Marina , in th end nvr buy anyt for Christmas but bought 2 shorts , a blouse and a dress for CNY . Th clothes were NICE . Bought at Cache Cache . My mum sponser me 1 shorts , th blouse and th dress. My auntie sponser me th shorts . HappyDie le . Then my auntie told me somet funny abt my little cousin .

They gt one time , pass by NTUC and my cousin saw th tic tac . He wanted to buy blue colour de . Then it is extra strong mint mah . So he insisted on buying . Then my auntie just buy for him lorh . Ltr , he wanted to go to th toilet . So my uncle brought him there . Then when he cm out of th toilet , his eyes were in tears . My auntie tot my uncle scolded him so she asked my uncle wat happened .

Actually , th ting went like this . My little cousin wanted to eat th blue tic tac dhn he ate two at one time . It is extra strong mint mah so he like too young , cnt take it then burst into tears lorh . LaughoutLoud . My cousin cute right . Ok . Lets go bck to th shopping . Went to Suntec aft Marina . Did nt buy anyt at Suntec . So decided to go to Bugis .

Went to Bugis was an AWESOME decision . At only ONE shop , i managed to clear my aunties and my cousins gifts . PRO right me . Haah . Then shop a while , go hm eat dinner . Had quite a fun day .


Had CCA today . BORING . Woke up at 8 . left hse at 850 . Reach skool like at 930 whereby my CCA started at 10 . Reached skool like damm early siah . Saw Ms Gajae in th bus . We chatted along th way while going to skool . Reached skool , saw my seniors . Chatted wif them then a while instructor came . Texted Jacelyn also while waiting for pee-per to come .

In the end , only like gt less then 20 pee-per came . Sad lorh . Wanted hv SYF training de . But too little pee-per come . So cnt train . CCA was quite fun though it was tiring . After CCA , met my mum at WS for lunch . Ate KFC . Yummy . Veh nice jiudui le . Roam ard aimlessly at WS for a while then went home .

Reached home , and became a ' coolie ' by helping my mum , my bro and myself to wrap th Christmas presents . Wrap until I blur . Jacelyn texted me but I abit blurblur dhn dun evn noe wats she talkin abt . But aft a while , i ' woke up ' frm my Wonderland . Dhn went ovr to GM hse , ate dinner . Cm hm , comp until now . Juz nw , my ' volcano ' exploded .

The stupid passerby idiot siah . Go and spam Jacelyn ' s tagb .
To the passerby :

Whether a nt eu cm to my blog , I juz wanna tell eu tt th things eu are doing , is LAME . In fact , super LAME . Juz stop ur nonsense cn a nt . Please respect her . She is who she is . No one have th rights to judge her except herself . And , no one have the authority to scold her too . Except her parents and her sisters . So , just SHUT UP and STOP all ur LAME actions . Stop calling her names . Respect her ! Leave her tagb alone and stop polluting her tagb wif ur nonsense . Do eu noe tt eu are just like a mad dog , barking crazily ?

Question urself something . Would eu like it ive pee-per called eu names like wat eu called her in her tagb ? Ive eu don't , why would eu call her those names . Eu are just insulting urself in an indirect manner . Please learn ur manners . Ive eu were to insult her agn , I will surely find out who eu are , and wil nt let eu off easily .

Orhkays . I hv finish wat I wanna say to th passerby . And it is like 0111 nw . And , * YAWNING* I wanna slp .

Nights (:

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