Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hi pee - per . Sowwy for not posting for past few days ): Went to stay at my cousins house on Friday and Saturday . So didn ' t get time to post . Anyw , lets rewind alrights .


Like what I said just now , went to stay at my cousins house . Left house at 1++ . Reached Dover MRT at abt 2 . Cousin come fetch us . Have lunch . BlahBlah . Then went to Science Centre for th CSI show . Was N I C E ttm . - Thumbs up . Suppose to solve crimes . Split ourselves into two grps . Girls VS Boys . Guess who won in th end ?

Of course th GIRLS la . LaughoutLoud . Then , went to th OMNI theatre . Watched Legend of Flights . We get to see how a modern aircraft is built . And , th movie is nt just like th cinema . It is like erm . . . How to explain ah . It is like a veh big screen in a semi - circle shape jiuduile . Movie was COOL ttm . Then went bck to cousins house , bathed and went to West Mall to shop for groceries for nights steamboat dinner . Dinner was shiok . Ate manymany good food . Then , waited for my cousin ' s boyf . Then went to Kallang Leisure Park or Kallang Leisure Centre ah ? Cnt remb liao . Watched Guillivers Travel . Was nice man th movie .

The guy called Guilliver right , went to a country call Lilliput . Then th pee-per there were like super duper tiny . Then he is like a big giant there . Eu guys knw somet funny abt him ? The kingdom of Lilliput right , got into a super BIG fire . Then eu guys knw what he use to extinguish th flames ? He used his PEE to extinguish it man . OMGaud . It is so disgusting . LaughoutLoud . You guys shld watch it man . It is so funny . Then went to Geylang and ate th choudoufu . Stink ttc . But ate a little bit curz it was delicious though it stinks . Then went home and sleep . Was so tired . Fell off to bed once I reach home .


Woke up at 930 . Ate lunch at 12 . Then collected my mum ' s Christmas present at PS . Then , went home to bath curz I was stinking man . After bathing , went to GM house and have Christmas party . Was FUN . Got many presents . Got a bag frm my Uncle , a DOMO bag frm my Auntie , a blouse and a mini skirt frm Ralph Lauren frm my Auntie , a card holder and a pencil case frm my Auntie , a Esprit sweater frm my Uncle and a super CUTE coinpurse frm my Auntie . My cousins wanted give me belated Christmas present curz I think they order on9 then th batch hvn cm in yet . Sad lorh . ): But still enjoy myself though .

And , b4 we open th presents , we went to hide my little cousins presents and gave him what he dun like , th raisins . Then , he is suppose to give out th presents mah . Then , when he give till th end , is like left one present only . Of course it is his raisins . Then , he look so sad when he open th present . So , we decided not to make fun of him alr . We bri out all his presents frm th room . Then , he look so stun siah . My little cousin is super cute can . Then slacked a while at GM house then go hm . Was fun . I LOVE Christmas so much .


Nth much either . My GM moved to my hse today . Cousins and Auntie cm my hse frm like 2 till night then go hm . They help bri my GM stuffs here mah . Then stayed at my hse eat dinner . Sunday was quite a bored day though .


Not hvin much fun either . CCA frm 10 to 6 . Likewise , nt many people cm . Only gt abt 15 to 20 . But had SYF training though . Orhkays . Dunw talk liao . Hvn do my CCA thing . Gonna let my cher scold alr tmr .

Bye people .

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